Photo-Community: COPA juried show

Yesterday I was able to pay a quick visit to COPA‘s Third Annual Juried Photo Exhibit, hosted at the Walker’s Point Center for the Arts. This show is hanging until January 16, 2010, so make sure you get out for it if you can. There’s a good variety of work–many different styles and interests represented.
Though I can’t describe all the work that stood out to me, I can say that these are the artists who created the “stand-out” work for me: Eddee Daniel (2 large color triptychs), Patricia Delker, Michael Dvorak (two great B+W portraits), John Hart, Terrence Molter, Chris Norris (three moody night-pics, if I remember right), Mike Reinders, and Rikki Thompson.
As mentioned, there’s a good variety of work, and if you’re interested in photography, you should make a point to get down to 911 W. National Ave., Milwaukee, and check this show out!

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